Site last updated on: 29-Nov-24
Earlston Golf Club
The Office Bearers and Committee for 2025 are:
Honorary President: The Earl of Haddington
Captain: Barry Nelson
Vice Captain: Dougie Bain
Secretary: Matt Whiteford
Treasurer: Brian Hunter
Match Secretary: Grant Cannon
General Committee: George Cessford, David Johnston, Michael Scott, Brian Thorburn
Handicap Sub-Committee: Brian Hunter (Handicap Secretary), Matt Whiteford, Barry Nelson
Press Secretary: Matt Whiteford
Social Media Secretary: Brian Hunter
Duties of the Captain
To chair committee meetings
To organise and oversee the running of the Society
To work with the Secretary in the organisation of Society meetings
To produce an Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting
To be a signatory on the Society's bank account/s
To liaise with the Match Secretary in matters relating to Society outings
To ensure that the conduct of members is acceptable at all official outings and functions of the Society
To oversee the Duty Committee at outings
To check all score cards at outings prior to the announcement of results
To administer all other competitions, e.g. Nearest the Pin and Longest Drive
To give a "Vote of thanks" speech to all concerned at each Society outing
To ensure that the needs of sponsors and guests are attended to at outings
Duties of the Vice Captain
To assist and provide support for the Captain in all matters above
To deputise for the Captain in all matters above
Duties of the Secretary
To produce agenda documents for committee meetings
To produce a written record of all committee meetings
To keep archives of all Society documentation and correspondence
To work with the Captain in the organisation of Society meetings
To maintain an up to date copy of the Society's Constitution
To keep a record of Members of the Society
To attend to correspondence on behalf of the Society
To nominate a Duty Committee for each outing
To disseminate information regarding all aspects of the Society's activities
To maintain a record of annual trophy winners
To produce an Annual Report for the Annual General Meeting
To be a signatory on the Society's bank account/s
Duties of the Treasurer
To be responsible for the finances of the Society
To ensure the collection of all money due to the Society
To ensure the payment of all money owed by the Society
To maintain up to date accounts
To produce financial summaries for committee meetings
To produce an Annual Report and a Balance Statement for the Annual General Meeting
To administer the Society's bank account/s
To be a signatory on the Society's bank account/s
Duties of the Match Secretary
To put before the Committee proposals, alternatives, itineraries and prices for all proposed outings
To ensure that all potential discounts and extras are obtained for proposed outings
To liaise with other Golf Clubs and courses in matters relating to Society outings
To confirm all bookings as instructed by the Committee
To liaise with the Secretary and Treasurer with regard to the details of all bookings
To organise inter-club competitions and liaise with other Clubs in all matters pertaining to these
To co-ordinate the return of annual trophies for competitions
Duties of the Duty Committee at Outings
To prepare score cards for each competitor, showing name, date, competition and current handicap
To distribute score cards to competitors
To ensure that meal orders are taken from competitors and advised to catering staff
To ensure that competitors tee off according to the order of the draw
To ensure that the markers and equipment for competitions are available at the designated holes
To collect the markers and equipment after all competitors have passed the designated holes
To ensure that score cards are signed by the competitor and marker respectively on finishing the round
To ensure the collection of completed score cards
To ensure correct calculation of competitors’ scores in stroke play and points in Stableford competition
To ensure that any monies due to the host course are paid before departure
Other Duties (to be undertaken by Sub-committees or Committee members)
Handicap Sub-committee - nominated Handicap Secretary, Captain oversees
The Handicap Secretary is responsible for arranging all meetings of the Handicap Sub-committee, administration of the handicap system and providing an up-to-date handicap list prior to each competition
Moon Course Sub-committee - nominated Social Media Secretary, Captain oversees
Social Media Presence: The Social Media Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the website is updated with outing reports, competitors' scores, photographs where available, press appearances, etc.
Social Events Sub-committee - Captain oversees
The Social Events Sub-committee is responsible for organising all aspects of all non-golf social events for the Society
To maintain a Society handicap system: Handicap Secretary
To arrange bus transport as required to and from outings: Committee Member
To ensure calculation and availability of results at outings: Committee Member
To administer the outing results for the Club Championship: Committee Member
To produce publicity for the Society: Press Secretary
To liaise with the Press regarding Society publicity: Press Secretary
To maintain a Society social/web site: Social Media Secretary
To organise social events for the Society: Social Events Sub-committee
To arrange trophy engraving: Committee Member
Barry Nelson is Captain for 2025